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Every donation supports Shore Talent Productions throughout the year, ensuring continuity of our mission We are inspiring a new generation of theater at the Jersey Shore and strive to keep the perfoming arts affordable and accessable to all children. 

Individual Donor Levels
Gold Angel

Your tax-deductible gift sponsors the “music and usage rights” for one production of this season along with the following benefits

  • (5) complimentary tickets to four shows of your choice.
  • Full page ad on the BACK COVER in each program of the season.
  • You will be listed in the program as an "Associate Producer and listed on our website.
  • Corporate sponsors will have their logo added to our Nemo cast t-shirts (Deadline 8/1)
Bronze Angel

Your tax-deductible gift sponsors “costumes, sets or lights” for one production of this season along with the following benefits

  • (4) complimentary tickets to four shows of your choice.
  • A full-page ad in each program of this season.
  • You will be listed in the program as a “Bronze Angel” and listed on our website.
  • Corporate sponsors will have their logo added to our Nemo cast t-shirts. (Deadline 8/1)
Director's Circle

Your tax-deductible gift entitles you to 

  • (4) complimentary tickets to three shows of your choice
  • A half page ad in each program of the season
  • Your name/business will be listed in the ptrogram as a member of the “Director's Circle” and listed on our website.
  • Corporate sponsors will have their logo added to our Nemo cast t-shirts. (Deadline 8/1)
Assistant Director Circle

Your tax-deductible gift entitles you to

  • (2) complimentary tickets to three shows of your choice.
  • A quarter page ad in each program of the season.
  • Your name/business will be listed in the program as a member of the “Assitant Director's Circle”, and listed on our website.
  • Corporate sponsors will have their logo added to our Nemo cast t-shirts. (Deadline 8/1)
Stage Manager's Circle

Your tax-deductible gift entitles you  

  • A sixth page ad in each program of the season.
  • Your name/business will be listed in the program as a member of the “Stage Manager's Circle” and you will be listed on our website.
Broadway Star

Your tax-deductible gift entitles your name/business to be listed in each program of the season in our “Broadway Star” section, as well as on our website. 
